Lately I've been finding that I'm becoming more and more interested in more cartoonish looks. But the painter in me still wants to give it a slightly painted look and feel. I don't think I wanna render things too much and the top image is kind of an example of that. I think any of the realistic type stuff I do should be reserved for book cover type of illustrations. I also think working like this well help me focus more on creating an environment and emotion for the characters. Rather than trying to figure out how to render some material.
The characters designs below are with flat colors. No plan to render these. Just another pic of the look I'm leaning towards.What's your opinion?
I love the poses you put your characters in. Its very eye catching...the very opposite of many other characters I have seen(in a good way :P). Keep it up, it makes your work more interesting to look at. I do like the color/hue of the girl in this post to. nice work :)